Personal Loan Perth WA
Get your personal loan on the go
Are you looking at going on a holiday or need a loan for home improvements, cosmetic surgery, debt consolidation and more? Give us a call today.
Please note that if you are looking at purchasing a vehicle or equipment, we would recommend you to opt for a secured loan such as car loan or chattel mortgage.
Home loans
Commercial & Residential Property Finance
We have access to all the major mortgage lenders. So whatever your requirements are, be it purchasing a house or land, or building a home either for your own occupation or for investment purposes, we can source and structure a loan to suit you.
We also offer a no obligation “Home Loan Health Check” consultation. We can have a look at your current loan to assess whether it still suits your current situation.
A wide offering of loan options are available, including:
- STANDARD VARIABLE RATE - the loan interest rate rises and falls in line with prevailing market interest rates.
- FIXED RATE - the interest rate is fixed for the term of the loan.
- LOW DOCUMENTATION - mainly for self-employed people and investors who are unable to supply required financial records at the time of application. Financiers will lend up to a set percentage of the property’s value without financial verification.
- ALL IN ONE - allows you to deposit your income and extra savings into your loan account and withdraw available funds for whatever purpose.
- INTRODUCTORY RATE - sometimes called a ‘honeymoon’ loan because you benefit from a lower interest rate usually for the first six months to three years.
- PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE LOANS - are available to the majority of borrowers. There are many benefits, such as credit card discounts, but the key is being able to obtain a discount for the life of the loan not just a small introductory period.
- LINE OF CREDIT - a very flexible type of loan which enables you to use the equity you have in your loan for any worthwhile purpose. Ideal for the disciplined investor.
- COMBINATION (‘SPLIT LOAN’) - allows you to divide your loan between two different loan structures; for example, half of your loan can be a fixed rate and the other half a standard variable rate.